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The Thirsty Games

Daft’s Homebrew Competition, Winter 2023

That’s right folks, Daft Brewing is hosting our fourth annual The Thirsty Games homebrewing competition! The winner of this illustrious event will be able to brew their beer on our commercial system with our head brewer Ryan. You will also receive a chunk of the beer for yourself, and get to have your beer hosted on our taps and in bottles!

  • What Styles: An amber, red ale, or lager.
    • Aim for 5-6% alc/vol.
    • Amber-red colour (~9-17 SRM)
    • Malt forward and crisp
    • Balanced bitterness
    • No weird ingredients
  • Deadline: Sunday, January 14th at 6PM
  • Who’s Eligible: Anyone brewing on a homebrew system. No commercial beers.
  • Entry Fee: None
  • Max Number of Entries Per Person: Unlimited

Each entry must be packaged in four (4) non-distinct bottles, each with a bottle form (see below). An entry form must accompany each submission (see below).

Judging will take place the week of January 19th and the winner will be announced shortly afterwards.

May the odds be ever in your favour….



Past Winners

2022: Dan White – Hefeweizen
2021: Sean O’Donnell – Irish Red
2020: Trevor Armstrong – British Mild